Instead of relying on expensive marketing, habit-forming companies link their services ti the users'. daily routines and emotions.


  1. Companies that leverage the power of habit forming products have a massive advantage over those who don’t.
  2. The hook cycle is built of four major steps
    1. Trigger
    2. Action
    3. Variable Reward
    4. Investment
  3. External triggers are needed to form habits, but these become internal in the process and are not needed later.
  4. Three things are needed for action
    1. Trigger
    2. Motivation
    3. Ability

The designer must make sure to enable the user to take action by making it easier than thinking about.

  1. The reward must have a variable element to it in order to keep the user coming back for more
  2. The hook cycle is completed, a new habit is formed once the user made a significant investment in the products that will make its use easy to rationalize.
  3. While the user always has the power to quit, a significant number of people develop unhealthy addictions to habit forming products.
  4. A habit is really adopted when it occurs daily.
  5. What we’ve seen is only the beginning. New technologies open up huge space for new habit forming products.